
What is ecomobility?

Being 'eco-mobile' means being able to modify your travel habits in order to adapt your mode of transport to the journey to be made, and above all:

• Prioritize the use of public transport, by using the undergroud for example, two very practical lines with direct access from the platforms of the SNCF station.

• Encourage walking to stay active. As the Magic Hall hotel is ideally located, you can go on foot and stroll through the city center, discover old Rennes or visit the famous Place des Lices market. Here are some examples of possible walks. If you are a hiking enthusiast, Rennes is one of the stages of the GR39 which connects Mont Saint-Michel to the Vilaine estuary in Guérande. Here is practical information for exploring the “Rennes” part of the GR39

• Encourage cycling to stay active : There are numerous cycle paths: the Vélotour de Rennes. Discover a 33 km cycling route to tour the city. Are you not equipped? Call STAR, self-service bike or la vie cyclette

• Limit the use of individual cars or share their use. A parking system exists at the entrances to the town, including La Poterie : which we highly recommendation.

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